Last Dec. 7, I had the chance to spend the day with colleagues from several websites. First, I attended the December Networking event of Digitalfilipino.com at the Automall, near Tiendesitas which doubled as a Christmas party. My online friends, Janette Toral of Digitalfilipino.com, Manuel Villoria of villoria.com and Aileen Apolo of google.com were all there and I got to catch up on the latest IT discussions. My internet-related exchange gift went to Abby Ongyanco of virramall.com which I think was going to be useful for her business.
After the party, we were waiting for the next event which was Yehey!'s 10th anniversary to be held at the same venue. So we decided to move to Starbucks and chat. Jovel Cipriano of PinoyDelikasi.com was late but was able to join us and have us sample his newest product, camote chips. We talked about the Web Awards, our own websites, and the idea of planning an excursion to Dagupan City in Pangasinan where Bitstop Computers was located.
Afterwards, we went back to the venue where Yehey!'s 10th anniversary was commencing. During the video presentation, they showed a powerpoint-like image of 5 people, who were the original founders of Yehey! I actually know 4 of them since they were batchmates of mine.
It was nice to be around colleagues in your own industry.
- Sunday, December 31, 2006